State of todayOur Jass product series is based on Blender 2.49b. Until recently Blender-2.49b has been the only Blender version that was capable to create fully functioning exports for Second Life mesh builds. And it was the only Blender for which a fully working Sculpted Prim support was available with Primstar-1 and the JASS product series. By now the situation has changed in several ways:
Taking all of this into account, we no longer see any benefit for you to use the Jass-products. Especially it does no longer make sense to continue the maintenance of Jass-Pro and Jass-Magic. In fact there has been no update for both products since about one year and we have only provided very few new tutorials for this product series within the last 6 months. |
Cleaning upAnd on top of all of this Blender 2.49 has not been developed further since about 2 years now and it is obviously at end of its lifetime. So we have decided to clean up a bit. And here is our roadmap for the next 12 months:
Your benefitsThe main benefit for you will be
Questions ?If you have questions about all of that, please check out our FAQ. There we will add a few remarks about why these decisions have been made and why this is for your benefit. Cheers, Gaia, Domino, Magus |
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- With Primstar-2-dev-260 we provide full support for Sculpted Prims based on the Blender 2.5/2.6 series. So you can now fully work in Blender 2.62 without any drawbacks.