We have uploaded Avastar-1.5-8 to the_archive folder on your download page.
This release contains follwing bug fixes
reported by users:
- Migrate from SL with joint offsets was broken
- Slider broke attachments scaling
- Instant update after load of old armature now handles location of Origin better
You are kindly invited to test this new release and report any issues to our ticket system:
Here is the deal:
- You create a report on our ticket system.
- You add a demo blend file to demonstrate the problem. Please add the blend file in the state just before the bug appears. Then we can better reproduce what goes wrong.
Then we do:
- Any reported issue that can be reproduce will be honored with 1000L$
- Any issue that can be fixed will be honored with 5000 L$ or with a free 3 month access to the Blender Cloud
- If the same issue is reported more than once, then we pay only to the first reporter.
Note: We do not accept errors reported in Second Life chat or in Notecards.
Thanks for participating.
I am leaving on vacation next week, but have several new mesh creations unrigged and ready to rig & weight. I would be happy to test when I return from vacation.