Avastar-1-dev-432 (ready for Blender 2.63):Today we released another Avastar update. We tried our best to ensure that this Avastar release should work from Release 2.59 up to 2.63. Here are the changes since the last update:
New tutorials: Mesh attachments, rigging and Weighting:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idHere is the list of new tutorials:
Important notes:
Where is the Download ?Please check in the FAQ. Other QuestionsAsk Gaia Clary in Second Life, or send email to mailto:gaia.clary@machinimatrix.org Have Fun Gaia & Magus & Domino |
Purchase questions
Hi Gaia,i tried rigging a short sleeve shirt in 2.63 with latest avastar,the short sleeves end up as long sleeves and badly deformed.Same shirt in JASS magic …rigged perfectly.
please send me your blend file for inspection.
Awesome thank you , will tell you how it goes !