Hi. As we decided recently, we have performed a small testrun as preparation to the 48 hour film project. What shall i say ? It was a funny event. First Tuna Oddfellow was so kind and set up a demonstration of his magic show for us. We could not resist and created two small movies only for training the camera operators:
This is my version (i did it more like a music video with Tuna’s show as backdrop):
And here you can see Jim’s version (Jim aimed to concentrate on the Tuna Show itsefl):
Any feedback to the movies is highly welcome…
So, after the Tuna Show, work begun. Our aim was to create a short episode within only 12 hours. We wanted to learn, how we all work in concert. Again the athmosphere was mainly accompanied with lots of good vibes and thus we got really creative. We set up a small script, checked for Avatar costumes and prepared some special effects. After only 3 hours we have been able to start filming and after 9 hours we had completely finished the takes.
Now what we still needed to do was final editing. By now everybody except Tuna and me have been falling asleep and i was close to fainting away. So we decided, that our testrun should be stopped for now and lets have a rest.
We learned a lot so far and we have been satisfied, although the goal to produce a whole film was not met. One thing was definitely positive: We could perform all necessary tasks to create a film in an extremely short amount of time. But 12 hours seemed to be extremely short for making a movie. Ok, no worries… During the real contest we got 48 hours instead of only 12 and our team is distributed around the whole planet… So we should be able to get much further…
I will do the editing and postprocessing stuff later.