Avalab Development Fund
From: 5,00 € / month
The development fund is used to pay all the extra hours we spend to develop the next generation Add-ons.
So… we sell our Add ons to pay our work. That should be all we need, no ? But things are more complicated…
Most important for us: The income that we generate from our sales minus what we have to pay to all acting players (LindenLabs, Paypal, currency exchange, Tax, Software licenses, hardware renewals, support payments, …) is still not an impressive outcome. So we have two choices to improve that:
We could raise the price for our Add Ons… We currently offer our products for a price way below its value. We are also obliged (by Blender rules) to distribute the core of our Add Ons with the GPL license, which makes it extremely expensive and rather complicated for us to keep others from redistributing our Add-ons (yes that did happen). And the more we raise our pricing the less paying customers we will have at the end. So we believe that raising the add-on prices might not be the right tactic here.
We could ask for funding our work and talk to those who benefit most from our work to reward us by moving some funding into our business to compensate the low pricing a bit, such that we can keep up with our work and also get a reasonable reward. This way we might even be able to distribute future Add On creations for lower price.
So lets try it and setup the Avalab Development Fund.
It is all about patronizing…
Say you are a small shop owner yourself and you sell your creations. And lets say you actively use our Add Ons and pay yearly license renewal. You could decide to switch to our lowest Membership offer (5 Euro per month) which is way more than we ask you for a yearly update, but since you make money with our product you might be able to reward a bit to us…
Say you are a bigger company who itself is acting in the 3D-business and you see how beneficial our work is (or can be) for your own customers. Why not add some more into the fund? Look, even when you pay 1000 Euro per month that still translates to less than 30 hours per week when we count a very low rate per hour…