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Hello and Welcome!
This hat here is made out of 3 sculpted Prims.
the body, the bow, and the tie. And each of the
parts is also texturized. Now i want to
get this hat from Blender into OpenSim or any other compatible online world.
so the simple approach is: bake the sculpt-maps,
then export the sculptmaps one by one,
import them to your online world, and finally rescale,
reposition, and rotate them by hand.
And do not forget to also import and apply the textures.
so, this is a tedious and time-consuming job.
And since it can be a pain to get all your parts
into the right scale and the right place,
we have included another helper tool to Primstar-2:
the Multipart-exporter. And here it is in action:
We will first go to object mode,
and because we want that the hat gets created as a link-set,
we now select all the parts of the build,
and parent them.
Note that my last selection is the hat,
and you see in a minute why this is a good idea.
Lets now parent the parts by navigating to:
Object, Parent, set, object. We have to confirm
again that we want to do the parenting.
Now we bake the entire selection all at once,
and finally we export the selection by clicking:
File, export, L-L-SD export.
Now Primstar creates a Generator Script,
and it exports all your textures to the specified directory.
Note that we will later place the content of the export directory
into a generator-prim in our online world.
Let us take a quick look at the export options:
You can choose between 3 different image types.
And you can define which sort of alpha masking
you want to use for your sculptmaps.
And finally The z-offset defines the hover height above the
generator-prim. That is where the link-set will be created.
So, we only have to select the export folder,
and then press the export button.
Now the export directory contains:
all your sculpt-maps, all textures,
and the generated L-S-L script.
So lets head-over to our online world now and see how
the hat gets re-constructed by the script.
Of course you have to import the sculptmaps and textures first.
You can do this one by one, or you can use the bulk upload
option here. But please take care.
You have to upload your sculptmaps in lossless mode,
But the bulk up-loader does not allow to specify that.
It just re-uses the settings of a previous single-image upload.
Hence you should always first check your settings on a single sculptmap,
and ensure that you have checked lossless compression. If the checkmark
is not set here, you must enable it now, and then upload a single image.
Now the selection gets permanent, and subsequent imports from the
bulk-upload will now also use lossless compression.
ok, so we now can import all maps and textures within one single
bulk-upload, and we can be sure that lossless compression is applied.
Once you have uploaded all your textures, you need to create
two simple prims. the first Prim can be any prim object, for
example a simple cube. You only must name this object Primstar.
Note the capital P at the beginning. Please take a copy of this
Object back into your inventory.
The secnd Object will become our generator object.
It can also be a simple cube.
Place a copy of the Primstar object into the generator’s inventory.
Then add all just imported textures and sculptmaps.
And finally create a new LSL script.
Open the script and remove all its content.
Now also open the previously generated L-S-L script,
grab its entire contents by pressing control-A,
cut it into the paste buffer with control-C,
and paste it into the empty LSL script with control-v.
Then save the script.
As soon as the script has been saved, your generator object
turns into a colored primstar. This is a good sign.
Now you will be asked for the permission to generate new Objects.
Please confirm this. Also check your private chat window for
any messages. If all was done correctly,
then you will see the message: ready to build. Click to start.
Ensure that you have closed the viewer’s text editor.
And then left click on your object, and watch how
your multi-part build is automatically recreated.
You wonder how the object parts get their size ?
This is very simple. We just map blender Units into
Meters, and thus we use the object size exactly as you defined it in Blender.
So if you want to create for example a tiny sculpty
of 0.5 centi meters height, then you only need to scale down the object
in blender, until its z-axis height is 0.005 blender units,
which corresponds exactly to half a centimeter.
Thus you can create a tiny version of the hat, within a
few secs. You only have to reimport the sculptmaps and the L-S-L script,
and you are done. Note that you can create tiny objects of size
down to about 16 microns.
Please note that this tool is very new and it may still
contain bugs. So please feel free to let me know about any
failure of the tool.
thank you for watching!