Some random Tricks & Tips (actually just 3 small hints at the moment)
Your Blender Console Window is missingĀ (Windows users)?
Open the console with:
Help -> Toggle System Console
Where is REDO ?
The REDO function is CTRL+SHIFT+z
Can i get CTRL+Y back for REDO ?
Yes. Here is how to do it
(In Blender 2.57b only the “window” hotkey category can be edited in 2.57b.
Workaround: instead of adding the hotkey to “screen”, add it to “window”.
The bug is fixed in revision in revision 36438:
- File -> User Preferences -> Input
- Locate “Screen” Entry in the list
- click the EDIT button (Label changes to “Restore”)
- open Screen -> Screen (Global)
- Scroll down to end of the Sublist and click on “Add New”
- Open the new Entry.
- Type “ed.redo” into the leftmost field
- Type “Y” into the secnd field
- Checkmark Ctrl (in the secnd row)
- Save as Default